Home | Scrabble Champions

- 2001 -

World Champions

Francophone Anglophone, 2001-02 Hispanic
Franck Maniquant Brian Cappelletto Benjamin Olaizola
France Franck Maniquant United States Brian Cappelletto Venezuela Benjamin Olaizola

International Champions

Countries of the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, Bahrain... in English.

Oman Cecil Fernandes Prabhu

River Plate: annual challenge of Argentina and Uruguay in Spanish.

Argentina Silvina Aranovitch

European Cup: annual challenge grouping together the best eight French teams, France, Belgium Switzerland, in French.

Belgium Yod Club

Champions listed by countries

      French, in duplicate       English, in classic       Spanish, in classic
Belgium Christian Pierre
United Kingdom Mark Nyman
Argentina Susana Watman
France Franck Maniquant
Australia Edward Okulicz
Venezuela Benjamin Olaizola
Switzerland Jean-Pierre Hellebaut
New Zealand Jeff Grant
Tunisia Zouhir Aloulou
Malta David Delicata
Quebec Germain Boulianne
Scotland Neil Scott
Democratic republic of the Congo Guillaume Ngola
Nigeria Chinedu Okwelogu
Senegal Thierno Amadou Diallo
South Africa Trevor Hovelmeier
Romania Claudia Mihai
Singapore Tony Sim
Lebanon Léna Sfeir
Japan Keiichiro Hirai
Benin Charles Hounmenou
Saudi Arabia Philippines Peter Arreola
Cameroon Armand-Georges Atangana
Malaysia Asirvatham Ganesh
Gambia Omar Malleh Jah
Zambia Paul Yandisha Kalumba
India Mohan Verghese Chunkath
Tanzania Isaac Adhero Lang'o
Ghana Michael Quao
Trinidad and Tobago Edward Metivier
Bahrain Chris Abordo
Romania Dan-Laurentiu Sandu
Philippines Bonnie Macala
Oman Ralph Lobo
Kenya Patrick Litunya
Sri Lanka Sherila Amalen
Kuwait Jerry Perez
Ireland Catherine Costello
Thailand New Zealand Nigel Richards

      Other languages, in duplicate
      Other languages, in classic
The Netherlands Riccaro Ounane, in Dutch
The Netherlands Jan de Ridder, in Dutch
Belgium Ronny Heylen, in Dutch
Poland Marcin Mroziuk, in Polish
Sweden Greger Nässén, in Swedish
Romania Valentin Craciunica, in Romanian
Czech Republic Martin Danek, in Czech

- 2001 -

*To see the name of the country, place your cursor on the flag.       

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