Home | Scrabble Champions

- 1991 -

World Champions

Francophone Anglophone, 1991-92
Christian Pierre Peter Morris
Belgium Christian Pierre United States Peter Morris

International Champions

Countries of the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, Bahrain... in English.

United Arab Emirates Norbert Saldanha

Champions listed by countries

      French, in duplicate       English, in classic       Spanish, in classic
Belgium Christian Pierre
United Kingdom Phil Appleby
France Franck Maniquant
Australia Lena Boyd
Switzerland Véronique Keim
New Zealand Jeff Grant
Quebec François Bédard
Malta Peter Elbourne
Democratic republic of the Congo Eugène Lama
Scotland John Catto
Senegal Haidina Aidara
Nigeria Debo Ajose
Bahrain Roland Filio
South Africa Averil Berger
Singapore Tony Sim
Israel Evan-Gary Cohen
Japan Ken Nakai
Romania Liviu Jerghiuta
Ghana Victor Amartey
Thailand Pakorn Nemitramansuk
Malaysia Mohamed Ali

      Other languages, in duplicate
      Other languages, in classic
Romania Liviu Jerghiuta, in Romanian

- 1991 -

*To see the name of the country, place your cursor on the flag.       

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